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Article number: Article number: kb-91
Q. I want to transfer my domain to you, how do I get the transfer authorization code (EPP code) from my current registrar?


Please Note: .com and .net domains will start using the EPP code for transfers in October 2006.

If you want to transfer your .com, .net, .biz, .us, .org or .info domain, you will need to contact your current registrar and request the domain's Authorization Code (also referred to as an auth code, Authinfo code or an EPP code). An authorization code is usually a 6- to 16-character code assigned by the registrar. Authorization codes are basically a password for the domain serving as an extra security measure. The auth codes ensure that only a domain owner can make domain name transfers. The Registry requires the Auth Code so for .COM, .NET .BIZ, .US, .ORG, and .INFO domains you will not be able to continue a transfer until you are able to get the Authorization Code from your current registrar. We recommended obtaining your domain's Authorization Code before initiating a domain transfer request.

This article describes how to obtain a transfer Authorization Code (Auth Code) for .org, .info, .us, .biz and .name domain names from the most common registrars. Auth Codes are not required to transfer .com or .net domains. Perform a whois search on the domain name you wish to transfer. Look at the registrar field. This whois field will list your current domain name registrar. Simply follow instructions listed below for that particular registrar to obtain your domain name's authorization code. | Address Creation | AIT Domains | AW Registry | | Directi™ | DirectNIC | Domain Monger | Dotster® | EnCirca | eNom, Inc. | GoDaddy | | Melbourne IT | Names4Ever | NamesDirect | NameScout | NameSecure | NameZero | Network Solutions® |® | Stargate | Tucows | Verio

Don't see your registrar listed? Check any help or knowledge base available on your current registrar's site. If your registrar doesn't have a an article on Authorization Codes or Auth Codes, email your existing registrar's customer support from the domain's administrative contact address and request your Authorization Code or Auth Code for a particular domain name. If you are told a .ORG, .BIZ, .INFO, .US or .NAME domain name does not have an authorization code, then the registrar is mistaken. Be persistent! Registrars are contractually required to provide auth codes upon registrant request. If you still can't get any where with your current registrar please contact us. We'd be happy to help.


For this registrar, Auth Code is simply your domain management password.


Address Creation

Email technical support at from domain's administrative contact email address requesting domain's Authorization Code.


AIT Domains

Send a transfer request via an online support ticket initiated at Request that they send domain's Authorization Code.


AW Registry

Email registration support at from domain's Administrative email address requesting a domain's Authorization Code.


Email from domain's ‘Admin’ contact. If reseller is listed as ‘Admin’ contact, call or email reseller and ask for your domain's Authorization Code (Auth Code).


  • Login to Control Panel at

  • Go to Domains » Search » Domain Registration Search, and search for domain name that you wish to transfer away.

  • In the Orders List View that appears, click on the Domain Name.

  • On the next page you would find the "Domain Transfer Secret" which is what Directi calls the Authorization Code.


Login into account at Submit a Trouble Ticket requesting domain's Authinfo code. Authorization code is usually first three letters of a domain and the domain id (available by searching for your domain at Registry operator's whois site).


Domain Monger

Create a support ticket at requesting your domain's Authorization Code (Auth Code).



  1. Log into your account at

  2. From the Quick List, click on the Domain Name you wish to transfer

  3. Scroll down to bottom of Domain Detail Page, click "Request Transfer Authorization Code" link to obtain the Auth code. It will be sent to domain's administrative contact email address within minutes.



EnCirca requires registrants to set the auth code themselves. To set an auth code, simply login to your account at and modify the domain by selecting the 'modify domain'. Enter your desired auth code into "Authorization Info" box, select 'continue' and then 'commit' to save your changes.



  1. Login to eNom account at

  2. Choose menu option DOMAINS, my domains

  3. Click on the link for specific domain name that you wish to work with which brings up the domain control panel.

  4. On domain control panel, scroll down to UTILITIES, click » Contact/WhoIs Information option.

  5. At the bottom of the contact info page you will see the domain name authorization key.

If you do not have a direct eNom account, contact your reseller to obtain a domain's Authorization Code. If reseller's name is unknown, go to the eNom "help" page at and enter your domain name in the "Reseller Information Retrieval Tool."



  1. Login to the GoDaddy control panel and view your domain names.

  2. Locate your domain name in the list and click on it.

  3. The right side of the screen will display "Auth Info Code: (sent by email)". Click Send Email.

  4. A new screen appears. Click Send Email again.

  5. GoDaddy will send the transfer authorization code to your e-mail address. Please save it until you're asked to enter it on our order form.


  1. Log in at

  2. Browse to the service zone for a domain.

  3. Request "AUTH-ID"


Melbourne IT

Email with Domain Name, Registry Key, and request Auth code. Authorization Code will be sent to ‘Admin’ email contact.


Transfer Auth Code is your account password.



  1. Log into account at

  2. In the Quick List, click on the domain name you wish to transfer.

  3. Scroll down and click "Request Transfer Authorization Code" link near page bottom to obtain domain's Auth code. It will be emailed directly to domain's administrative email address.



Send an email message to from the domain owner's email address as it appears in their records (consult Whois). In the request, list your domain names and ask that your authorization codes be sent.


Name Secure

Please contact NameSecure Customer Service with a list of your domain names requesting they provide your domain authorization codes.



  1. Log into account at

  2. Click on the Domain Name you wish to transfer.

  3. On Domain Detail page, scroll down to bottom and click "Request Transfer Authorization Code" to obtain domain's Auth code. It will be e-mailed to the domain's administrative email address on file.


Network Solutions®

Call Network Solutions 24 hour support line at (888) 642-9675. Request the Authorization Code for a particular domain. They will send authorization code to the domain's ‘Admin’ contact email address.


Login to your account at Within Account Management, click on a Domain Name to view its details. It's Auth Code is listed on the domain details page.



Login to your account at Click on the link "Get AuthInfo Code."


Tucows Open SRS

Auth code located in account within the Domain Details at Obtain Username and password from reseller.



Request your domain's Authorization Code by sending an email to from ‘Admin’ contact. They will send the Auth Code.



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