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Article number: Article number: kb-105
Q. Mailing List Issues Because of DMARC Policy

A. Both and have started to reject emails that come mostly from mailing lists because in most cases the sender email address is not on the actual server that sent the email. This is the implementation of a strict DMARC policy. (You can Google DMARC Mailing List Yahoo for many articles on the subject)

What does this mean for you. It means that in most cases and as DMARC is more widely adopted by other ISP's you can only send email with the from email address that resides on the sending server.

Work Arounds:
If you have a cPanel hosting account using Mailman, go to the mailing list administration panel and change the following setting: Hide the sender of a message, replacing it with the list address (Removes From, Sender and Reply-To fields) to YES. This will have all mailing list emails come from the email list and not the email address of the person who composed the message. However this causes all replies to be sent to the entire list again.

For cPanel hosting accounts (Mailman) or Hsphere control panel hosting accounts (EZMLM). Restrict the list so that only moderators can send messages to the list and setup each moderator with an email account on the domain you are hosting.

This also affects some web forms and mail forwarders that may be setup to send email from an address other than what is hosted on the server itself.
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